Recliner & Sleeper Chairs

Croyde Recliner Chair FAQ's


How many Trusts/Health Boards have these chairs?

Is there an additional charge for colour choice?

What are the most frequently ordered colours?

What is the maximum weight limit?

What is the maximum width of the chair?

Can the chair be cleaned with Clinell wipes/Chlorine based disinfectants?

Can the chair be easily moved?

How many positions does the chair have?

How does it work?

What is the warranty period?


How many Trusts/Health Boards have these chairs?

The Croyde Recliner Chair is in use in more than 40 NHS organisations across the UK.  You can read some of their feedback by clicking HERE

Recliner Survey Icon


Is there an additional charge for colour choice?

No, all the chairs are manufactured to order and the fabric is the same.  Just choose your colour and let us know your selection with your order.  Click HERE to view colours


What are the most frequently ordered colours?

Violet, Mulberry, Cobalt, Jade, Turquoise, Duck Egg Blue and Electric Blue. 

Recliner Chair Colours

What is the maximum weight limit?



What is the maximum width of the chair?

The maximum width is 700mm.  This makes it an excellent choice as a bedside chair where space is at a premium.  It is only 8cm wider than a regular bedside chair.

Recliner Size


Can the chair be cleaned with Clinell wipes/Chlorine based disinfectants?

Yes.  However, to maximise the life span of the mattress cover it is important that the best practice guidance detailed in the BHTA’s industry standard document “Protect, Rinse & Dry, is routinely practised. Click HERE to view.


Can the chair be easily moved?

Most chairs have very small diameter wheels (40mm/50mm) but the Croyde Recliner Chair has 100mm diameter wheels, making movement incredibly easy.  All castors move in all directions too, so moving in tight spaces is also very easy.  Please see video below:


How many positions does the chair have?

Three.  Upright.  First position reclined.  Second position reclined.


How does it work?

You simply push the backrest back and it reclines to the first position.  Push the backrest back again and it moves to the second position with the maximum reclined angle. 


What is the warranty period?

12 months